Monday, October 4, 2010

“Fall Student Success Night – College & Career Planning”

Oct. 7, 2010, 6:30 – 8:00

Welcome: Stephanie Yorgasen, PTA President
Remarks: Misty Suarez, Principal
Dismiss to classes at 6:45
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“Student Success Night – College & Career Planning” consists of five different guidance classes that will focus on the following areas:

Skyward (Library) - How to use it and where parents can access it if they don’t have a computer at home. This will be an open lab format, guided by Mrs. Washburn, Mt. Jordan Middle School Teacher

Basic Study Skills (Rm. 146) - Essential study skills needed for high school and college: organization, planners, etc., presented by Carla Coleman, Mt. Jordan Middle School Counselor

Scholar Program/Regents' Scholarship (Rm. 147) - Information regarding these scholarships and their requirements, Instructor: Andrea Cox

Steps to College (Rm. 148) - What is ACT & SAT, high school classes needed for college, GPA, etc, presented by Pepper Poulsen, Jordan High School Counselor

Money for College (Rm. 149) - Ways to fund college, scholarships, financial aid helps, presented by Karla Motta – University of Utah

Each class will be 20 minutes long with 5 minutes in between, each class being taught 3 times. Please choose 3 classes that you would like to attend with your student according to your needs.

Class times are: 1. 6:50 – 7:10 2. 7:15 – 7:35 3. 7:40 – 8:00

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Mount Jordan Student Success Night Featured on KSL

Video Courtesy of