Friday, September 18, 2009
Parents and Students Can Submit Yearbook Pictures!!!
The Yearbook Staff invites students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you've got great photos of school and community events or you and your friends just having fun, we'd like to see them. Our photographers can't be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.
Here is how you can submit photos online:
• Go to:
• If it does not automatically log you into the site, enter username:400004657 and password:mtaineer
• Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload.
• Enter information about the photo and provide contact information in case the staff needs additional information.
• Click "Save Details".
It's that easy! Submit your photos today! The last day to submit photos is 3/1/2010.Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the school year!
Sincerely,Yearbook Adviser and the 2010 Yearbook Staff.
The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions can be used in the book.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Volunteers Needed for Absence Calling
The PTA helps by making calls to the homes of students who are absent from school.
It takes approximately 30-45 minutes (depending on the number of students absent) and can be done any time after 10:30 a.m. (Mon - Thurs) and after 12:30 on Fridays.
Currently, the calendar is wide open starting October 1st. You could pick your own days!!
We need a volunteer for every day that school is in session. It would be great if there were an army of volunteers so that each person only needs to be there one day of the month.To volunteer for absence calling, please contact the PTA Volunteer Coordinator, Stephanie Yorgason.
Stephanie can be reached via email at
Thank you for your willingness to help out at the school. Together we CAN make a difference.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Volunteers Needed for Parent Teacher Conferences
We feed about 40 people. The food needs to be in the faculty lounge (down the hall, on the right, from the main office) by 2:00PM.
Sept. 23rd We need 5 people to donate a salad and 5 people to each donate 2 dozen cookies.
Sept. 24th We need 3 people to donate fruit trays and 3 people to donate veggie trays.
Also on Sept. 24th, we will be having a potato bar for our teachers. We need donations of: steamed broccoli, cheese sauce, shredded cheese, sour cream, butter, bacon bits, green onions and cottage cheese.
To volunteer for one of the food assignments or for absence calling, please contact the PTA Volunteer Coordinator, Stephanie Yorgason. Stephanie can be reached via email at
Thank you for your willingness to help out at the school. Together we CAN make a difference.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Real Salt Lake Offers Buy-one-get-one-free Vouchers for Wednesday Night Game! (August 26th)
Canyons School District to Reward Student Attendance with RSL Tickets;
More Than 33,000 Students Across 44 Area Schools
Eligible for “Buy One/Get One Free” to Wednesday’s RSL Game vs. Chivas USA
SANDY, Utah (Monday, Aug. 24, 2009) – Real Salt Lake and Canyons School District today announced that 33,000 students in the newly formed district will be eligible to receive RSL ticket vouchers to celebrate the first day of school and underscore the importance of education.
District Superintendent David S. Doty and Real Salt Lake President Bill Manning today announced a joint “Welcome Back to School!” program in which Rio Tinto Stadium provides “Buy One/Get One Free” vouchers for the team’s Wednesday, Aug. 26 game against Chivas USA for students who attend the first day of class for the 2009-2010 school year.
“We fully support the energy and commitment of Sandy City and the Canyons District have exhibited in building community partnerships and working to find new ways to benefit children,” said Real Salt Lake President Bill Manning. “Our players have worked and studied hard to become the best they can be. With this incentive, those students who are on time and ready to learn on the first day of school can start down the same path.”
Real Salt Lake will also extend a “KIDS EAT FREE!” offer to all children 18 and under on Wednesday night, making vouchers redeemable for a free hot dog, popcorn and soda available at the gates between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.; NO VOUCHERS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AFTER 7:00 p.m. MT.
“We are pleased to partner with Real Salt Lake to mark this historic day and send the message that coming to school and preparing for college and career reaps immediate rewards,” Superintendent Doty said, recognizing that Real Salt Lake will also make tickets available at a discounted group rate to the families of each student. “We’re grateful for the generosity of Real Salt Lake and to share with the organization this vision for our public schools.”
The “Back to School” ticket/attendance program is yet another step forward between Canyons and Real Salt Lake, which earlier this summer hosted Canyons School District Night to help usher in the district’s July 1 kickoff. RSL players also have appeared on various District school campuses as part of the “Keys to Success” program, and will make regular visits to various age groups and discuss a variety of topics throughout the fall on an education/teamwork tour.
“Integral to our mission as a team and as an organization is to be a community citizen which leads by example, a belief we share with the sponsors that make this program possible,” said Manning. “Our partnership with the District, where our players and staff demonstrate the values of education, teamwork, literacy and public service, gives us an opportunity to work on a regular basis with our community’s future.”
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Hot Dog Hello: A Success
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Back to School Night, Thursday, August 20th from 5:00-8:30 PM


See you at Back to School Night!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
PTSA Meeting Minutes: July 21, 2009
Tues. July 21, 2009 9:00am
Mt Jordan Middle School Media Center
Members Present:
Sheri Tait, Pilar Baker, Chris Garner, Wendy Harker, Katrina King, Stephanie Yorgason,
Shanda Maxfield
Items addressed:
Needs Assessment forms are being handed out at Back to School Night to be completed and returned that night with the names of parents interested in helping with different activities throughout the school year.
Each board member will be provided with their specific job title "duties" and a list of volunteers (forms are being sent home with registration packets, and we will see what we get back as far as volunteers) to call to help with activities relating to their board positions.
PLEASE keep track of all of your volunteer hours, including board meetings.
Staff appreciation throughout the year rather than waiting until the end of the year
In addition to $25 Memory Book at end of year, also include a free DVD with pictures/slide show of the school year.
PTA providing treats for monthly faculty meetings $30 (approx 40 staff members) Board members will take turns providing these throughout the year.
NEW!! A/B Fridays - Alternate only 4 classes every Friday and school starts 9:30am
Ideas Proposed:
Need help with ideas for updating school website (currently not working due to district problems)
Need help with ideas for monthly newsletter. We would like to do one monthly from the PTA this year - one page with English on one side and Spanish on the other. Ideas for helping it to make it home with the students or budget for it to be mailed out each month. Sponsors to help with this?
Working toward better communication with parents and helping them be involved in their student's education
Spanish translation of newsletter will now be provided.
Ideas for drug education programs, Internet safety, bullying, parental information classes, etc. throughout the year.
More chaperones during lunches
Finalizing plans for school marquis
Motion by Sheri Tait:
Alternate PTA Board Meeting days each month for more opportunity for all board members to attend. We will hold them during school hours but switch the day each month. Many members work and are making time to attend board meetings each month.
Vote Affirmative, Motion adopted.
Calendar of events:
Next meeting, Monday August 17th 10:00 am Media Center - Katrina King treats
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Thursday August 20th. Those who can, please be at the school to help set up food, etc at 4:00. We will be serving hot dogs, chips, and drinks at 5:00. We will need people to sit at tables to hand out information, sell t-shirts, recruit volunteers, and encourage people to join PTA. Administration talking at 6:00, the PTA board will be introduced. Separate into smaller groups to meet staff.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Student-Faculty Baskeball Game
A special thanks goes to all of the businesses who donated items for the silent auction, the Salt Lake Bees for lending us Bumble for the night, and the Tait family who worked exceptionally hard on this event and donated time and resources to make this exceptionally fun for the students.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Canyons School District Kick Off Events

Canyons School District Kick-Off Events
Once in a Century!!
Schedule of Events:
- June 27 – Canyons night at REAL Soccer
5 – 6:45 p.m. Come see us at the pre-game festivities outside the REAL stadium. Watch Canyons District acts perform live on the stage! Play games! Get prizes!
7 p.m. Canyons Idol winner, McKail Seely, sings the National Anthem; Game Time - July 1
9 a.m. “Dawn of a New Day” at Alta Lodge; every school will have a representative place an article representing their school in our time capsule.
12:30 – 12:45 p.m. Sign changing ceremony at Hillcrest High School
2 – 3 p.m. Bus Parade starting at Cottonwood Heights Elementary; buses will take participants through four of the Canyons School District cities (Cottonwood Heights, Midvale, Sandy and Draper).
3 – 5 p.m. Birthday cake and music at Cottonwood Heights Elementary
How can you participate? - Join us at REAL game – ½ price tickets for Canyons families – go to for more information. Come participate in the pre-game festivities!
- Sign changing ceremony – everyone welcome!
- Bus Parade – the route and the approximate time we will be in each area is attached. The parade will start at 2 p.m., so add times from there. We would love to have families, businesses, community leaders and students come out to the route and wave to us! Let us know where you’ll be and we will make a special effort to say, “Hi!” You can also make posters and signs to welcome the District.
- Birthday party – come meet district employees, party to a live DJ and have birthday cake with us. Everyone welcome!
Canyons School District is Utah’s first school district to be created in almost 100 years! We are excited to serve the communities of Alta, Cottonwood Heights, Draper, Midvale and Sandy. We will serve approximately 33,000 students in 44 schools.
If you have questions about any district kick-off event call 801-501-1015 or 801-501-1005 for assistance.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thursday, April 23rd- Student/Faculty Basketball Game
Thursday, April 23, 6:30 p.m. in the gym
Student/Faculty basketball game and silent auction. All proceeds will go toward our school marquee and other PTSA programs that will benefit all students.
Tickets are $1.00 at the door - other donations are welcome.
Great halftime prizes!
Fun for the whole family!
Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with students!
Everyone is invited! Students, teachers, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.
PTSA Board Meeting Minutes April 7th
**Budget - Traci handed out the budget and gave everyone a copy. She has it itemized as to what we have spent this year and what we will still be paying for.
We will for sure leave $2000 as carryover for next year. We will see how the fundraiser goes and then decide on our donation to the community council and also see about saving more than $2000 to function properly next year.
We have paid for all t shirts, sweatshirts and memory books, so any money that comes in will be added to our budget. More discussion at our next board meeting. This was not really an amendment, but a more clear explanation of what our budget has been all year and an update for everyone.
**Nominating committee is Chantel Brown, Shannon Green and Julie Bosch. They will be contacting people to staff our board for next year. Sheri will submit the names to them and we will get it taken care of.
**Fundraiser - Melissa and Sheri will make some posters to put around the school. Sheri will email the info to everyone.
-April 15 at the assembly we will make an announcement to get the students and teachers excited about the game and also to give them more information.
-The Bee from the SL Bees will be coming from 7:00-8:00
-We have donations from Stampin’ Up, Forever Young, Fairfield Inn, Udi Granola, Regis Hair, Bees Tickets, Real Tickets, Interior Elements, McGraths, Kay Jewelers, Deck The Walls, Jewelry, Scrapbook Materials, Notebooks from Mr. Goodman and other things that we are waiting on.
-The Real tickets were donated by Wendy and will be our door prize at the game.
Everyone will get a ticket when they enter.
-LaDena will see about making a sign with butcher paper and laminating it for outside the school
-Sheri will work on fliers to staple to the progress report for next week
-LaDena will email the teachers and ask them to staple them in their CLIMB classes
-Volunteers are needed at the fundraiser and we are planning to arrive at 5:30 to set everything up.
-There is a microphone but no sound equipment. Troy will bring his to do the announcing, music, etc.
-We will meet Monday, April 20 at 9:00 to assemble the baskets and decide on prices, etc.
-Any other donations we are able to get before then will be great!
**Teacher Appreciation Week - May 4-8
Monday - Bagel’s breakfast in the faculty room, attend faculty meeting and give them back massagers “We got your back!”
Tuesday - Have a cold one on us! Cold drinks in the teacher lounge (Wendy)
Wednesday - Need chocolate? We’ve got your back (big bowl of chocolate candies)
Thursday - Cookies and cookie dough (Sheri will talk to Terry Parkin who got these donated). Traci and anyone else will put together bags of cookie dough and we will also bake cookies for them.
Friday - Appreciation lunch (big sandwich from Macy’s (Sheri), chips (Melissa), Vegetable Tray, Fruit Tray, Dessert, Drinks
Wendy will work on making a form for students to do a write up about teachers. (What they like about them, what makes them special, etc.) We will see what we get handed in and then maybe read them at the faculty meeting on Monday (May 4), but want to recognize everyone collectively. We will make an announcement about the forms on the 27th.
Any other ideas or suggestions are welcome!
We will decide about our next meeting after April 20th.
Friday, January 16, 2009
A Message from Sheri Tait: Mount Jordan PTSA President
Here are some of the fun activities we are planning for the rest of the year. Please mark your calendars and make plans to support your students and our entire school. We can't do it without your help and participation. You can keep up with all our happenings by visiting our website at
Harmon's PTA Day is February 10, 2009
Save your weekly grocery shopping until Feb. 10th. Our PTA volunteers will be helping out at the store and will have games, activities and prizes for the kids from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. At the end of the day Harmon's will donate 5% of their total sales to the schools who have participated. Our PTA will be at the Bangerter Crossing store @ 125 East 13800 South in Draper. Please come and support our school and our PTA and shop, shop, shop! See you there!!!!!
Mega Mountaineer All Star Game! April 23 at 6:30 p.m
This is our PTSA fundraiser. We are still trying to raise money for a marquee outside our school. Mark your calendars for the faculty/student basketball game. We are planning a fun evening for everyone. You won't want to miss it!
Mountaineer T Shirts & Sweatshirts
Mt. Jordan Spirit Days are coming! Get your t shirts ($12.00) and sweatshirts ($20) from the main office!
Calling all Parents!!!
There is still time to join the PTSA as a member ($4.00) or as a volunteer. We are always looking for volunteers and have many activities coming up for the students and teachers. We need your help! Please contact Sheri Tait (#576-0567) if you are interested in helping. We are planning our fundraiser (April 23), teacher dinners for Student Led Conferences in February, Spirit Days, Harmon's PTA Day (Feb. 10), Teacher Appreciation Week (May 4-8). We are always in need of helping hands.
Next Year's PTSA Board
The PTSA Nominating Committee is looking for willing parents who would like to help on the PTSA Board next year. Please contact Sheri Tait (#576-0567if you would like to help out or know of anyone who would be a great addition.
PTA Discounts for Energy Solutions Arena Events
Pre-Sale Discount Tickets now available.
1 show only on 1/31/09. Tickets for $22.50 or $15.25
* Harlem Globetrotters – 2009 Tour!
1 day only: 2/9/2009: 7:00 PM
* Monster Jam/Monster Trucks!
Pre-Sale Discount! Lower Bowl: $14 or $17! Kids for $5.50!
Show: 2/13/09 and 2/14/09
For more information:
Runar Berntsen,
Account Executive
Utah Jazz/EnergySolutions Arena
301 West South Temple,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Direct: (801) 325-7219
Walking with Dinosaurs Discount Tickets Available

LIVE SHOW JANUARY 14-18: Discount Tickets:

Friday, January 9, 2009
PTA Meeting Minutes from January 6, 2009
PTSA Meeting Minutes
*Minutes from Last months meeting, December 2nd were read by Sheri Tait.
*The following were in attendance; Sheri Tait, Traci Folkerson, Melissa Neilsen, LaDena
Saxey and Heidi Clark. Ben Lems and Misty Suarez joined us a for a few
minutes at the end of the meeting.
*Harmon’s Days is Tuesday, February 10th. More information to follow, after our next
meeting Tuesday, January 13th at 9:00 am. Need to get more information from Heather Winters at Harmon’s.
*Budget: We are in need of more money! We need to sell the school spirit shirts. A
PTA table needs to be setup at school activities, to sell shirts. Also we will send out a flier with school spirit shirt info. We will give school spirit shirts to the SBO’s to help with advertising. Fridays will be school spirit shirt day, students wearing school shirts will get a treat at lunchtime. We need to get Teachers and faculty to purchase shirts as well.
We have raised about $9,000 for the Marquee at this time, but we still need more money.
*PTSA NEEDS a PTSA newsletter. Sheri has been trying very hard to get a sponsor for
the postage, but to no avail! We will keep working on this. Parents need to be informed about the many things going on with the PTSA and sending fliers home with students is not working! Parents do not get them. So if you know of someone willing to sponsor this let Sheri know.
*PTSA Membership: Our membership is very low and quite an embarrassment! It was
decided that a note and enrollment form needed to be put in all of the teacher’s boxes, to encourage them to join the PTSA! A flier needs to go home to encourage more parent involvement as well.
*Fundraiser: It was decided that the Fun Run would not raise enough money. Next year
we will try to do the 5K run as a community event. (We do not have enough time or the funds to pull this off this year.)
The “Mega Mountaineer All Star Game” will be April 23rd at 6:30 pm. This will be the annual Student vs. Faculty Basketball game. The game will be held in the evening instead of during the school day. Students will be encouraged to attend with parents and family members. Wristbands will be sold during the week of the game, for a dollar. We will also hold a silent auction, tickets will be one dollar. Each Climb Class will be asked to assemble a gift basket for the auction, also PTA members will work on getting donations for movies, dinners, hotels… We will be checking with Harmon’s about donut or cookie coupons for anyone wearing their school spirit shirt. We will have a kickoff assembly on April 2nd.
*Teacher Appreciation week is May 4-8th.
*Student led Parent Conferences are February 24th and 25th – PTSA will be providing meals again.
*Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 13th at 9:00 am to discuss
Harmon’s days, and teacher dinners for Student led Conference.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Time: 2:30 PM
How: Click on Scroll down on the page. On the right hand navigation bar, you'll see a link that looks like this:
Show Topic: The show this week on Friday January 9th will be on Parent Involvement and my guest will be Sue Carry our Family Life commissioner on the State PTA board.
Call in to participate: 866-535-0841
Mount Jordan Student Success Night Featured on KSL
Video Courtesy of