The Mount Jordan PTSA is proud to partner with Mount Jordan Middle School for Back to School Night!
When: Thursday, August 30th
Time: 5:00 PM, Hot Dog Hello
6:00 PM, General Meeting in Auditorium
6:30 PM-8:30 PM, Meetings with Teachers
Where: Picnic on the Front Lawn at 5:00 PM

Please come to the Hot Dog Hello! (Sponsored by the PTSA)
What to expect? Even if you have attended Back to School night in the past, we encourage you to come on August 30th! We have a new principal, Dr. Molly Hart, and this will be a great time to meet her. Additionally, we are welcoming several new teachers this year at Mount Jordan Middle School You'll want to get to know your student's teachers. Other changes to core curriculum will be discussed in general, grade specific meetings.
If you can't make it for the entire time, please stop by for part of the evening.
What you can do to support PTSA Please consider joining PTSA. We will have a membership table set up for the entire night. Your dues support an important national, state and local network of parents and teachers advocating on behalf of children. We have several volunteer opportunities for parents, guardians, grandparents and other caregivers of our MJMS students. Volunteer opportunities range from minimal commitment (dropping a food item off for teacher appreciation) to larger commitments like volunteering to manage the Reflections program at our school We need DADS and Grandpas, too! So, please don't let your schedule stop you from joining!
How can you support the students? First, purchase a memory book! Not only do the students receive a wonderful memento, but the proceeds go directly to our local PTSA to support student and teacher programs. Second, please consider making a donation to the PTSA as part of our "no hassle fundraiser." Look for more information about this program to come out in the near future.