It's time for registration again.
Mount Jordan Middle School will host a walk-in registration. Parents should come to registration with paperwork filled out. You should have received a registration packet in the mail. If you did not receive a packet, please contact the school in advance of registration to obtain the requisite paperwork. Additional packets will be available on the "day of" registration.
- 7th Grade Registration is Monday, August 8th from 7:00 AM-3:00 PM
- 8th Grade Registration is Tuesday, August 9th from 7:00 AM-3:00 PM
- 9th Grade Registration is Wednesday, August 10th from 7:00 AM-3:00 PM
If you have more than one child attending Mount Jordan, please choose the day that correlates with the youngest child.
A few things to be prepared for:
1) School pictures will be taken during registration, so make sure you're ready with your best smile.
2) ALL 7th GRADERS MUST HAVE STATE MANDATED IMMUNIZATIONS. This year we have organized Community Nursing Services to provide on-site immunizations during the 7th grade registration day from 8:00 AM-10:30 Am.
3) Please consider joining PTSA. There is a GREEN packet in your registration materials that details several PTSA projects. There is a required membership fee for PTSA. It is $4.00. We hope parents AND their students will consider joining this important organization.
4) PTSA is selling t-shirts and hoodies and backpacks. THIS IS NOT A FUNDRAISER! We are selling the items at cost. The intent is to increase school unity and school spirit by providing an opportunity to by logo-ed items. T-shirts are $5.00; Hoodies are $15.00, Backpacks are $5.00.
5) Please consider buying a memory book (year book). This year, the students who join PTSA will help with some aspects of the memory book. Books are handed out at the end of the school year and are always a big hit! THIS IS A PTSA FUNDRAISER.
6) Save the date for the Back to School Night "Hot Dog Hello." This is a big hit among students and parents alike. This year the date is Thursday, August 25th. More information to follow.
7) PE Clothes are available for purchase at registration. You will be able to see the actual clothes (for size), purchase and pick up during registration.
If you have any questions about registration, feel free to call the school office. There will be many volunteers to help you through the registration process on your assigned day.
We look forward to seeing you there!