Hello, Mt. Jordan Parents.
We are in desperate need of some volunteers for THIS THURSDAY from 8:45 to 11:15. It is Reality Town for the 9th grade. We need about 40 volunteers total and are FAR short of that goal. If there is any way you can rearrange your schedule to be there, it would be appreciated.
I know you don't all have 9th graders - but one day you will. This will give you a sneak peek at Reality Town and may even help you prepare your 7th or 8th grader for the experience.
If you can't arrange child care or job hours, check with extended family. Perhaps Grandma or Grandpa can help out - either with the kids, or at the school. It is only for an hour and a half and provides a great service for our students.
If you are able to come, please fill out the volunteer application on the Canyons District Website (see below) and let Sheri Tait or me know. Sheri can be reached at sheri@7taits.com or 801-576-0567. I can be reached at steph.yorgason@comcast.net or 801-816-3909.
Volunteer application: https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/csdapps.org/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dERtOEFkc3Mxa1c5WEh0T0piYWtQT3c6MQ#gid=0
Please consider ways to make yourself available for this opportunity.
Stephanie Yorgason
Mt. Jordan Middle PTSA President