Tuesday, November 2, 2010
IMPORTANT: Volunteers needed for Thursday, November 4th!
We are in desperate need of some volunteers for THIS THURSDAY from 8:45 to 11:15. It is Reality Town for the 9th grade. We need about 40 volunteers total and are FAR short of that goal. If there is any way you can rearrange your schedule to be there, it would be appreciated.
I know you don't all have 9th graders - but one day you will. This will give you a sneak peek at Reality Town and may even help you prepare your 7th or 8th grader for the experience.
If you can't arrange child care or job hours, check with extended family. Perhaps Grandma or Grandpa can help out - either with the kids, or at the school. It is only for an hour and a half and provides a great service for our students.
If you are able to come, please fill out the volunteer application on the Canyons District Website (see below) and let Sheri Tait or me know. Sheri can be reached at sheri@7taits.com or 801-576-0567. I can be reached at steph.yorgason@comcast.net or 801-816-3909.
Volunteer application: https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/csdapps.org/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dERtOEFkc3Mxa1c5WEh0T0piYWtQT3c6MQ#gid=0
Please consider ways to make yourself available for this opportunity.
Stephanie Yorgason
Mt. Jordan Middle PTSA President
Monday, October 25, 2010
Student Success Week a Success!!!

By Natalie Dicou
The Salt Lake Tribune
Published Oct 10, 2010 04:20PM
Updated Oct 13, 2010 02:51PM
Sandy • Angie Peffer remembers what it was like to be a young immigrant student hearing about something called the ACT. The Mount Jordan Middle School parent thought at the time it sounded like a foreign language.
Peffer moved to the United States from Samoa when she was 12. Her parents knew little about the U.S. school system or how to prepare their daughter for college.
“I was kind of just put in school. I was on my own,” Peffer said. “My parents were very supportive. They encouraged school very much, but there was nobody out there saying, ‘This is what an ACT is.’ I just took it without really knowing what it was.”
Peffer wants parents at her children’s school — where one out of four students is a minority — to avoid the confusion. She hopes moms and dads will gain a firm grasp on the ACT, the widely accepted college-admittance test, and everything else they need to know to guide their kids toward post-high school education and successful careers.
Last year, she organized a special night for parents and students to learn the ins and outs of applying to and paying for college, “Student Success Night.” The Sandy school’s Parent Teacher Student Association has made the night a tradition, holding a second event last week.
About 100 parents and middle-schoolers filed into the school after hours, choosing from five 20-minute classes with such titles as: “Steps to College,” “Paying for College” and “Basic Study Skills.”
“We have a lot of first-generation college-goers,” said Assistant Principal Matt Watts. “A lot of the kids want to go to college, but they don’t know where to begin.”
That’s where folks like Pepper Poulsen come in. The Jordan High counselor spent the evening teaching “Steps to College” to a packed classroom of moms, dads and future grads.
"This is our feeder school,” she said, “so, anything we can do to prepare kids, we’ll commit to doing it. We just appreciate them asking us to come.”
Poulsen said if she could make a single point, it’s that every year counts, noting kids often don’t realize their ninth-grade transcript counts toward their high school grade point average.
Jean Juengel, 19, who has temporary custody of her younger brother, James, a ninth-grader, attended “Student Success Night” to get a head start on planning for her brother’s future.
“I just graduated two years ago, and went straight to college,” Juengel said. “Then I found out there were hundreds of scholarships that I could’ve applied for my senior year and gotten, which would’ve helped me pay for college, but I didn’t know about them. So, I think it’s really great that they started doing this.”
Assistant Principal Doug Hallenbeck said students should begin thinking about college while they’re still in middle school.
“The sooner they can make choices, the better they can make high school work for them,” Hallenbeck said. “Middle school is about exploration, and we want to make sure they have opportunities to explore all the different career choices that are out there.”
This doesn’t mean every student must set his or her sights on a four-year college degree, Hallenbeck said. Some might choose a two-year school, trade school or military service. But he emphasized the job market requires some sort of post-high school training.
Peffer wished more families would have attended. She hopes the event — another is scheduled for the spring — will continue to gain momentum.
“We’re hoping as we do it every year that more and more parents will be aware and know that there’s help here,” Peffer said.
Monday, October 4, 2010
“Fall Student Success Night – College & Career Planning”
Welcome: Stephanie Yorgasen, PTA President
Remarks: Misty Suarez, Principal
Dismiss to classes at 6:45
* * * * *
“Student Success Night – College & Career Planning” consists of five different guidance classes that will focus on the following areas:
Skyward (Library) - How to use it and where parents can access it if they don’t have a computer at home. This will be an open lab format, guided by Mrs. Washburn, Mt. Jordan Middle School Teacher
Basic Study Skills (Rm. 146) - Essential study skills needed for high school and college: organization, planners, etc., presented by Carla Coleman, Mt. Jordan Middle School Counselor
Scholar Program/Regents' Scholarship (Rm. 147) - Information regarding these scholarships and their requirements, Instructor: Andrea Cox
Steps to College (Rm. 148) - What is ACT & SAT, high school classes needed for college, GPA, etc, presented by Pepper Poulsen, Jordan High School Counselor
Money for College (Rm. 149) - Ways to fund college, scholarships, financial aid helps, presented by Karla Motta – University of Utah
Each class will be 20 minutes long with 5 minutes in between, each class being taught 3 times. Please choose 3 classes that you would like to attend with your student according to your needs.
Class times are: 1. 6:50 – 7:10 2. 7:15 – 7:35 3. 7:40 – 8:00
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Student Success Week October 4-8th
Tuesday-Teachers wear college logoed clothing
Wednesday-Exploring the careers of your family members
Thursday-Sign the Career Banner at lunch
Friday-All Students...Wear your college/university gear! Show us where you're going!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Parent Teacher Conferences Wednesday and Thursday (September 29th and 30th)
Wednesday 3:30-7:30 PM
Thursday: 3:30-7:00 PM
For those of you who are unfamiliar with how Parent-Teacher Conference works, the following information should be helpful.
Location: Gym
The teachers are all in the gym. You may visit one or all of your child's teachers. Teachers will meet with parents on a first come-first serve basis. The teachers do their very best to keep their conversations short, but please be aware that there can be some long wait times. Please do not let this deter you! There are seats for you so that you don't have to stand in long lines.
It may be helpful to check Skyward before you come so that you are well informed about how your student is doing in a particular class.
You don't attend EACH night; only pick one.
The Principal and Vice Principals will be available if you have any questions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the office.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hot Dog Hello and Back to School Night, Thursday, August 26th at 5:00 PM

Please plan to come to the Back to School event at Mount Jordan Middle School on Thursday, August 26th. Beginning at 5:00 PM, there will be hot dogs, chips and waters available to students and parents. Please come and mingle with teachers, staff and administrators in this informal setting.

6:00 PM 20 Minute General PTSA Meeting in the Auditorium
All parents and students are encouraged to become members of the Mount Jordan Middle School Parent/Teacher/Student Association. Dues are only $4.00. Even if you can only help "once in a while," it is a great organization trying to make a real difference at the school. You will be updated via email of volunteer opportunities. Please consider joining and making a difference.
At the 6:00 PM meeting, you will be given more detailed instructions on the rest of Back to School Night. Each grade (7th, 8th, 9th) will have a grade-specific meeting. The night ends with parents and students able to visit classrooms and teachers to ask specific questions. Your students should have received and signed disclosure statements by Thursday, so if you have any questions about class requirements, this is an excellent time to ask.
This event was really successful last year, and we are hoping you come to Back to School Night this year and enjoy the free hot dogs and get to know your teachers!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Your registration packet will include all of the information about walk-in registration. Of course, registrations may also be walked into the school during normal school business (summer) hours, but parents are encouraged to participate in walk-in registration.

- Monday, August 9th, 7:00 AM-12:00 PM (early hours to accommodate working parents)
- Tuesday, August 10th, 7:00 AM-11:00 AM (early hours to accommodate working parents
- Wednesday, August 11th, 2:00 PM-6:00 PM (evening hours to accommodate working parents)
**To see source citations for images, please click on image. You will be directed to the source page.**
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Back to School Night 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Memory Books Will be Handed Out on June 1
Friday, April 9, 2010
Please support Mt. Jordan by shopping at Barnes and Noble on April 13th.
Please make sure to support this effort! Thank you!!!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Please vote for our Mount Jordan teachers who have been nominated for an award!
Canyons has many teachers nominated for the Burt Brothers “The Teacher Who Does It Better!” contest. Please visit http://saltlakeradiocontest.com/ to vote for your favorite teacher. You will be directed to create a login at ksl.com. Vote often and support your favorite Canyons teacher! Voting ends April 30th!
Teachers Nominated from around Canyons:
· Annette Alley – Willow Springs Elementary
· Anna Alger – East Midvale Elementary
· Shelley Allen – Midvale Middle School
· Vanessa Black – Willow Springs Elementary
· Pam Bunderson – Ridgecrest Elementary
· Jen Buttars – Bellview Elementary
· Colleeen Christensen – Union Middle
· Bonnie Dixon – Crescent Elementary
· Barbara Felling – East Midvale Elementary
· Russell Fullmer – Eastmont Middle
· Shelly Garrett – Brookwood Elementary
· Vicky Ginsburg – Union Middle
· Aaron Hadfield – Brighton High
· Jorgen Hollnagel – Mt. Jordan Middle
· Suzett Holyoak – Mt. Jordan Middle
· Terry Howell – Butler Middle
· Liz Lelis – Crescent View Middle School
· Richard Mellor – East Midvale Elementary
· Amy Olsen – Albion Middle
· Marianne Tranter – Sunrise Elementary
· Judith Rowe – Butler Middle
· Bethany Smith – Sandy Elementary
· Robyn Stockett – Sunrise Elementary
· Cindy Wagstaff – Willow Springs Elementary
· Stefanie Walker – Alta View Elementary
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thank you!
Thank you!!!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Expanding Your Horizon's Conference For Girls, March 13th
Student/Faculty Basketball Game, March 4th!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Information about the International Baccalaureate Program
Mt. Jordan Middle School: 11 January 2010, 8:15 AM, Little Theater
If you are interested in a High School program that can give you:
• • •
University and College Credit A Greater chance for post-high school scholarships A Greater chance for Ivy league College and University acceptance.
Come see what IB is all about and what this College Preparatory Program can do for you!
See back of this flier for evening meetings for Parents and Students. Choose a location, date and time that is convenient for you and your parents.
Questions: Contact Dr. Brian Bentley, IB Coordinator at 256-5484, brian.bentley@canyonsdistrict.org or Sandy Bodily, IB Secretary at 256-5452, sandra.bodily@canyonsdistrict.orgHILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL
The International Baccalaureate Program, a college preparatory program at Hillcrest High School, invites you to our Informational Meetings that will be held on the following dates:
Wednesday, January 20th 2010
Where: Crescent View Middle School ~ Kiva 11150 S. 300 E. Sandy
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Thursday, January 21st 2010
Where: Albion Middle School ~ Kiva 2755 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S) Sandy
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Saturday, January 23rd 2010
Where: Hillcrest High School ~ AT200 7350 S. 900 E. Midvale
Time: 11:00am – 12:00am
Tuesday, January 26th 2010
Where: Midvale Middle School ~ Auditorium 7852 S. Pioneer St (310 W) Midvale
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Wednesday, January 27th 2010
Where: Indian Hills Middle School ~ Kiva 1180 E. Sanders Road (11600 S.)
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
You are welcome to attend any meeting at either of these locations no matter what school you are from. If you have questions please feel free to contact us at our IB office at 801-256-5452 located in Hillcrest High School between the hours of 7:00am-3:00pm Monday through Friday. If you would like more information on IB please check out our website at www.canyonsdistrict.org and click on the IB page. You may also check out our international website at www.ibo.org.
Mount Jordan Student Success Night Featured on KSL
Video Courtesy of KSL.com