Mount Jordan PTA
November 4, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Traci Folkersen at 9:00 a.m.
In attendance
Sarah Green
Melissa Nielsen
Wendy Davis
Joleen Reddish
LaDena Saxey
Traci Folkersen
Shannon Green
Ben Lems
Carla Coleman
Recap and Update of recent activities
Update on Can Collection Fund Raiser- Wendy Davis: Wendy reported great success and response to the collection. Over 12,000 cans have been collected, and over 20 classes have participated. Although participation has been good the price for aluminum has significantly dropped, therefore funds raised have been limited. Can collection ends on the 21st of November. Wendy expressed thanks to all who helped.
Lehi Roller Mills Fund Raiser- LaDena Saxey: Continuation of the contest was very successful. $2,100.00 was raised. With a profit of $1,500.00
Reflections- Mr. Goo0dman reports good response so far. Due date is November 12th.
New Business
Next Faculty Meeting Dec. 1- Traci Folkersen will provide snacks.
Spring Fund Raiser – Fun Run- The fun run will take place Friday April 24th. (tentative date). It was undecided on the logistics of releasing the kids from class to run.
Reality Town- Mrs. Coleman: Carla still needs eight more volunteers. She will provide fruit and drinks for the volunteers and Sarah Green will provide a variety of breads and trail mix.
Meeting was adjourned by Traci Folkersen at 9:50 a.m.
Next Meeting will be December 2nd at 9:00 a.m. in the media center